Spring time means time to landscape the front of our new home. RJ Landscaping draws up plans and promises easy maintenance, drought tolerant, perennials bursting with color. We leave it to him to choose the best plants. He doesn't like Nandinas so they were removed and replanted among the rose bushes at church.
Robert (the R in RJ) doesn't like the gutter showing in the flower bed so he digs a hole and brings the gutter under the sidewalk, ending it in the middle of the front yard. The entire sprinkler system must be redesigned so watering the garden is on a separate system from the lawn.
The old mulch is removed and fresh soil with lots of nutrients is laid. The garden area is surrounded by a plastic edging.
Extensive work is done to reconfigure the sprinkler system and the guttering.
A drip system is installed to efficiently water the plants.
The plants arrive!
It feels like Christmas...with surprises galore!
As soon as the drip system is completed
with black weed preventing tarp laid, the planting begins.
The profusion of color is starting to take shape.
It takes hours to plant all the various specimen. |
Rock cover is back ordered. Must wait about a week for bed to be finished.
Finally, the rock is delivered. Bed is complete!
We landscaped the backyard ourselves. With the help of Patrick, who visited recently,we put up a fence to hide the burn pile. Eventually we will dig up the grass, installa border, and make it look more professional.
But, for now, we enjoy the view from our living room windows.
Mom and Dad's deer will always have a home with us!